We are a mixture of Year 3 and 4 children and our teacher is Miss Kemp with Mrs Delaney and Miss Barker supporting us.
Our main topics for this year include:
'Busy Bodies', 'Once Upon a Time in the Stone Age' and 'Welcome to Yorkshire'.
Each topic includes either a class visit or a workshop to excite and engage the children, as well as to enhance the learning experience.
P.E. is currently on Monday and Wednesday. On Wednesday, year four children will be going swimming and the year three children will be doing P.E in school.
Year three, please come to school dressed in your P.E. Kit on Monday and Wednesday. On swimming days, year four should wear their swimming costume underneath and bring a towel and spare pants. ( See letter for extra detail).
Homework is handed out on Friday and needs to be returned on Tuesday mornings. House points are awarded for effort and accuracy. Spellings will be in your homework diary and you will be tested the following Friday. Write your reading comments (or a signature from parents to say you have read) in your homework diary.
Please keep practising your spellings and time tables (plus the linked division facts), as it is so important. This year all years fours will take part in a national times table test which involves knowing all their times tables up to 12 x12. Please also practise telling the time at home as a lot of children find this very tricky.
We are using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) in school to help the children learn their times tables. Children will be asked to go one TTRS three times a week at home to practise.
Y4 Residential - Thurs 13th-14th February
This year we are taking Year 4 on a 1-night residential to Lineham Farm. They will have a chance to experience a range of outdoor and adventurous activities and have a absolutely fantastic time with their year group.
Times tables and other Maths
Times tables
Telling the time
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Picasso portraits!
Science workshop
Some very 'Busy Bodies!'
Y4 Residential to Lineham Farm