Peacock Class

We are a mixture of Year 3 and 4 children and our teacher is Miss Kemp with  Mrs Delaney and Miss Barker supporting us.

Our main topics for this year include:

'Busy Bodies', 'Once Upon a Time in the Stone Age' and 'Welcome to Yorkshire'.             

Each topic includes either a class visit or a workshop to excite and engage the children, as well as to enhance the learning experience.

P.E. is currently on Monday  and  Wednesday.  On Wednesday,  year four children will be going swimming and the year three children will be doing P.E in school.
Year three, please come to school dressed in your P.E. Kit on Monday and Wednesday. On swimming days, year four should wear their swimming costume underneath and bring a towel and spare pants. ( See letter for extra detail).

Homework is handed out on Friday and needs to be returned on Tuesday mornings. House points are awarded for effort and accuracy. Spellings will be in your homework diary and you will be tested the following Friday. Write your reading comments (or a signature from parents to say you have read) in your homework diary.


Please keep practising your spellings and time tables (plus the linked division facts), as it is so important. This year all years fours will take part in a national times table test which involves knowing all their times tables up to 12 x12. Please also practise telling the time at home as a lot of children find this very tricky.


We are using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) in school to help the children learn their times tables. Children will be asked to go one TTRS three times a week at home to practise. 


Y4 Residential - Thurs 13th-14th February

This year we are taking Year 4 on a 1-night residential to Lineham Farm. They will have a chance to experience a range of outdoor and adventurous activities and have a absolutely fantastic time with their year group.



Games to support your child for Spelling and Maths


Times tables and other Maths 


Times tables 

Telling the time 


Notes from meet the teacher meeting Sept 2024


Busy Bodies home school link

Lineham Farm Gallery 1
Lineham farm 2024 gallery 2
Lineham farm 24 Gallery 3
.2._LKS2_Maths_and_spellings_evening..pdf .pdf

Picasso portraits!

Picasso portraits! - image 0
Picasso portraits! - image 1
Picasso portraits! - image 2
Picasso portraits! - image 3
Picasso portraits! - image 4
Picasso portraits! - image 5
Picasso portraits! - image 6
Picasso portraits! - image 7
Picasso portraits! - image 8
Picasso portraits! - image 9
Picasso portraits! - image 10
Picasso portraits! - image 11

Science workshop

Some very 'Busy Bodies!'

Y4 Residential to Lineham Farm


Latest News

Peacock News


Amazing Mathematicians
14/06/2024 2:55 PM
Amazing Mathematicians

Amazing Mathematicians in Peacock class!

Year four children were superstars this week and completed their final times table test with style and composure. Well done for all your hard work over the last few years. It has really paid off!

Everyone has put in such a lot of effort with amazing projects. We have had cakes, inventions, diaries and fact files galore! It has been delightful to see the pride that the children have in their work. We have all learned such a lot from the children. We also had a bumper number of cakes this year and have been eating all week. Thank you for all the amazing support you have given the children.

We have had a fun week with role-play in history, silhouettes in art and some people have even started cross stitch. In PE, we are doing dance indoors (year three) and athletics outside.

Next week is a busy week.

Tuesday- Interhouse Cycling.

Wednesday – Yr 4 bring PJ’s in a bag for swimming to put on over your costume.

Thursday – Trip to Abbey House museum in school uniform. Pack lunch (no money).

Don't forget the Victorian Day photos on our class page on the website.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Kemp

Peacock news
24/05/2024 2:49 PM
Peacock news

This week, Peacocks have printed their William Morris designs. They look beautiful!

In science this morning, the children tested rocks for permeability and hardness. Then they used magnifying lenses to examine them carefully. We then looked at them with the class microscope for a closer look.

Please see the class page for photographs.

Homework this holiday is reading, times table practise and projects.

I hope you have a wonderful break!


·       PE is back to Monday and Wednesday next half term. (swimming continues for year four).

·       Victorian Day is the first Friday back on 7th June. Your child can come dressed in Victorian style clothing.

·       Projects are due 1st full week back on 10th June.

·       The year four times tables SATS will take place on the week commencing 10th June.

·       Shoe boxes please for next term’s D.T. project.

Have a happy Easter Peacocks!
28/03/2024 5:01 PM
Have a happy Easter Peacocks!

Peacocks have had a very busy four days. We started with a wonderful class assembly where everyone did themselves proud with their reading, joke telling, acting, writing, singing, skipping, art work and recorder playing. 

On Tuesday, Year three enjoyed their visit to church for the Easter story and really made me proud with their fantastic listening skills. We enjoyed finding out a little about the Mayans and writing a setting description for the chocolate Tree story myth about the god Kukulkhan.

Today has been fun for everyone (even if we didn't all think cross country would be fun). Everyone did their very best and ran with all their might. Well done to all the winners and well done to everyone else for giving their best. You were fantastic!

Have a lovely holiday (don't forget the shoeboxes).

When we come back, we will learn a little more about the Mayans before moving on to our new topic, Victorian Rawdon'. 

In this new topic, we will be making some CAMS toys so please could you start collecting shoe boxes. Each child will a shoe box each for their design. Sorry I can only put one photo on here!  I can put some more on the website later.

Happy Easter

Love MIss Kemp

Bugs galore!
19/07/2024 4:28 PM

Peacocks had fun in the meadow this week. We used pots, paintbrushes and nets to search for minibeasts under stones, in the grasses and in the trees. We used ID guides to name them. Then we went pond dipping and found a few interesting creatures such as ramshorn snails and water beetles. We were so lucky to have a beautiful day for it. 

On Wednesday, we had a fascinating visit to the Quaker Meeting House on Quaker Lane. The children sat beautifully in silence for a good six minutes. I was very impressed with their fanatastic behaviour. We found out so much about their practices and beliefs. Such an interesting part of Rawdon's history.

Today we have sent home your child's work for the whole year. I hope you enjoy looking through and admiring all their hard work. Thank you for all the support you have given to our school and the children this year.

Peacocks' Murder mystery success!
21/06/2024 4:06 PM

What a fab week! We started the week creating our own versions of the poem, ‘From a Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Inter-house cycling on Tuesday was a great success. Everyone put 100% effort into every event and it was lovely to see how supportive the children were with each other. Some fell off but everyone got back on again and impressed me with their resilience.

Yesterday was our Abbey House Museum and we had a fab day solving a Victorian murder. This was a great way to explore this fantastic, local museum. The children enjoyed visiting each establishment to check to evidence, and statements from people living in the Victorian streets in Abbey House. We visited the grocers, the washerwoman, the ironmongers, the pawnbrokers and the local Inn. The children took their own fingerprints so that they could eliminate them from any evidence. Great detective work everyone!

Today we have started our new science topic about plants. In the process of learning about roots, we repotted some pot-bound plants and looked at their roots under the microscope. We were lucky enough to spot an aphid crawling around on the strawberry leaf too.

Sports day next Friday!


Amazing Mathematicians
14/06/2024 2:55 PM
Amazing Mathematicians

Amazing Mathematicians in Peacock class!

Year four children were superstars this week and completed their final times table test with style and composure. Well done for all your hard work over the last few years. It has really paid off!

Everyone has put in such a lot of effort with amazing projects. We have had cakes, inventions, diaries and fact files galore! It has been delightful to see the pride that the children have in their work. We have all learned such a lot from the children. We also had a bumper number of cakes this year and have been eating all week. Thank you for all the amazing support you have given the children.

We have had a fun week with role-play in history, silhouettes in art and some people have even started cross stitch. In PE, we are doing dance indoors (year three) and athletics outside.

Next week is a busy week.

Tuesday- Interhouse Cycling.

Wednesday – Yr 4 bring PJ’s in a bag for swimming to put on over your costume.

Thursday – Trip to Abbey House museum in school uniform. Pack lunch (no money).

Don't forget the Victorian Day photos on our class page on the website.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Kemp

Peacock news
24/05/2024 2:49 PM
Peacock news

This week, Peacocks have printed their William Morris designs. They look beautiful!

In science this morning, the children tested rocks for permeability and hardness. Then they used magnifying lenses to examine them carefully. We then looked at them with the class microscope for a closer look.

Please see the class page for photographs.

Homework this holiday is reading, times table practise and projects.

I hope you have a wonderful break!


·       PE is back to Monday and Wednesday next half term. (swimming continues for year four).

·       Victorian Day is the first Friday back on 7th June. Your child can come dressed in Victorian style clothing.

·       Projects are due 1st full week back on 10th June.

·       The year four times tables SATS will take place on the week commencing 10th June.

·       Shoe boxes please for next term’s D.T. project.

Have a happy Easter Peacocks!
28/03/2024 5:01 PM
Have a happy Easter Peacocks!

Peacocks have had a very busy four days. We started with a wonderful class assembly where everyone did themselves proud with their reading, joke telling, acting, writing, singing, skipping, art work and recorder playing. 

On Tuesday, Year three enjoyed their visit to church for the Easter story and really made me proud with their fantastic listening skills. We enjoyed finding out a little about the Mayans and writing a setting description for the chocolate Tree story myth about the god Kukulkhan.

Today has been fun for everyone (even if we didn't all think cross country would be fun). Everyone did their very best and ran with all their might. Well done to all the winners and well done to everyone else for giving their best. You were fantastic!

Have a lovely holiday (don't forget the shoeboxes).

When we come back, we will learn a little more about the Mayans before moving on to our new topic, Victorian Rawdon'. 

In this new topic, we will be making some CAMS toys so please could you start collecting shoe boxes. Each child will a shoe box each for their design. Sorry I can only put one photo on here!  I can put some more on the website later.

Happy Easter

Love MIss Kemp

Bugs galore!
19/07/2024 4:28 PM

Peacocks had fun in the meadow this week. We used pots, paintbrushes and nets to search for minibeasts under stones, in the grasses and in the trees. We used ID guides to name them. Then we went pond dipping and found a few interesting creatures such as ramshorn snails and water beetles. We were so lucky to have a beautiful day for it. 

On Wednesday, we had a fascinating visit to the Quaker Meeting House on Quaker Lane. The children sat beautifully in silence for a good six minutes. I was very impressed with their fanatastic behaviour. We found out so much about their practices and beliefs. Such an interesting part of Rawdon's history.

Today we have sent home your child's work for the whole year. I hope you enjoy looking through and admiring all their hard work. Thank you for all the support you have given to our school and the children this year.

Peacocks' Murder mystery success!
21/06/2024 4:06 PM

What a fab week! We started the week creating our own versions of the poem, ‘From a Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Inter-house cycling on Tuesday was a great success. Everyone put 100% effort into every event and it was lovely to see how supportive the children were with each other. Some fell off but everyone got back on again and impressed me with their resilience.

Yesterday was our Abbey House Museum and we had a fab day solving a Victorian murder. This was a great way to explore this fantastic, local museum. The children enjoyed visiting each establishment to check to evidence, and statements from people living in the Victorian streets in Abbey House. We visited the grocers, the washerwoman, the ironmongers, the pawnbrokers and the local Inn. The children took their own fingerprints so that they could eliminate them from any evidence. Great detective work everyone!

Today we have started our new science topic about plants. In the process of learning about roots, we repotted some pot-bound plants and looked at their roots under the microscope. We were lucky enough to spot an aphid crawling around on the strawberry leaf too.

Sports day next Friday!


Amazing Mathematicians
14/06/2024 2:55 PM
Amazing Mathematicians

Amazing Mathematicians in Peacock class!

Year four children were superstars this week and completed their final times table test with style and composure. Well done for all your hard work over the last few years. It has really paid off!

Everyone has put in such a lot of effort with amazing projects. We have had cakes, inventions, diaries and fact files galore! It has been delightful to see the pride that the children have in their work. We have all learned such a lot from the children. We also had a bumper number of cakes this year and have been eating all week. Thank you for all the amazing support you have given the children.

We have had a fun week with role-play in history, silhouettes in art and some people have even started cross stitch. In PE, we are doing dance indoors (year three) and athletics outside.

Next week is a busy week.

Tuesday- Interhouse Cycling.

Wednesday – Yr 4 bring PJ’s in a bag for swimming to put on over your costume.

Thursday – Trip to Abbey House museum in school uniform. Pack lunch (no money).

Don't forget the Victorian Day photos on our class page on the website.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Kemp