
Welcome back to a new school year Kestrels! 2024-2025 promises to be a brilliant year!
We have had a fantastic first day together, getting to grips with new routines…and each other! Year 5 have made a great start to the year, diving into our new to our new history topic, WW2. Year 6 are preparing for their residential to Robin Wood, and are also getting ready to take on their responsibilities around school in their new job roles. In a couple of weeks, they will be meeting their Foundation buddies and helping them to settle into our wonderful school.
This year promises to be another exciting adventure through our other topics of Vicious Vikings and Creeping Coasts, with visits from Moveable Feasts Drama Company, and visits to Filey and Eden Camp, not to mention some brilliant curriculum days and lots of cooking and creativity!
In addition, we have our annual Inter-house football, rugby, cycling and quiz competitions, and the legendary cross-country race, where we will be hoping to beat our scores from last year…fingers crossed! If we are good, Santa and the Easter Bunny may even pay us a visit this year – will you be able to hunt-out your egg?!
Another great highlight to look forward to is our end of year performance, along a WW2 theme, which promises to be another sell-out show! By this point, we will be getting our wonderful Year 6s ready for the big step-up to secondary school, and will finally send them off with an emotional trip down memory lane, at our Leavers' Concert.
There is so much to look forward to over the next year. Here’s to a fantastic autumn, spring and summer. Let’s work hard and play hard in Kestrel Class!
Mrs Jarvis, Miss Clarkson, Mrs Geary, Mrs Weatherhead, Mrs Cook and Mr Butterwick. 


UKS2 Guide to Reading September 2023.pdf .pdf
KESTREL Welcome Back Booklet September 2023.pdf .pdf
UKS2 Guide to Writing September 2023.pdf .pdf
UKS2 Guide to Maths September 2023.pdf .pdf
Year 6 Party Part 1
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Year 6 Party Part 2
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Year 6 Party Part 3
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Year 5 Christmas Party
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SATs Treat Morning
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SATs Morning Fun!
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Year 5 Christmas Party!
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Kestrel News
5/07/2024 4:00 PM
Kestrel News

We’ve had a busy and productive week in Kestrels this week. Our concert rehearsals are coming along well – just adding the final finishing touches now! We have asked the children to learn the song words thoroughly for homework this week, instead of writing their sentences, and if they can remember them, try to sign along too. Please may costumes be in on Monday, ready for the dress rehearsal on Tueaday.

In science we have been testing different materials to understand what their properties are, while in maths we have been working on telling the time in different ways.

Our persuasive Pamper Spa writing is coming along, and we have enjoyed looking at other forms of persuasion, such as TV and radio adverts, and how designers and advertisers can use different techniques to sell products.

In SRE we have been discussing what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and how we can maintain good relationships with others.

 Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Jarvis

Kestrel News
28/06/2024 6:27 PM
Kestrel News

Sports day has been a great end to the week! We have run, danced and competed brilliantly all day – a shame it wasn’t a little sunnier, but we’ve had good fun regardless. And a special well done to Whitby who were the overall winners – their first interhouse win of the year!

Earlier in the week, we have been busy writing our formal letter of complaint from an Athenian Councillor to a Spartan leader, expressing our disgust at how uncivilised their society is! We have been using the subjunctive verb tense to make our letters sound as formal as possible, with some really impressive results (it turns out we’re really good at complaining in Kestrels!).

It has been an exciting week for Year 5 as they have found out the name of their Foundation Buddy in September. We have written a letter to them, introducing ourselves, and can’t wait until the start of Year 6 to meet them!

Year 6 have had their transition days to Benton, Guiseley and Woodhouse, and all seems to have gone well – please let us know if there are any issues and we will help to resolve them. The children all seemed positive on their return to Littlemoor on Wednesday, which is brilliant to see. There is another Benton transition day next Tuesday too. And Year 5 will also be visiting Benton on Wednesday afternoon to watch their end of year show, ‘School of Rock’ which should be good fun!

Our rehearsals for Fleeced are coming along nicely; we are now learning to sing and sign to live music with Mrs Thomas and Mr Latimer, so it’s getting tricky, but the children are all working very hard. Please let us know if you still have a ticket request, as they are going quickly. We will let you know if there are any spares at the end of next week.

Please could I also remind that costumes need to be in by Monday 8th July at the latest, ready for the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 9th.

Many thanks and have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Jarvis

Kestrel News
21/06/2024 5:35 PM
Kestrel News

It’s been a busy week in Kestrels as we have been getting to grips with our performance and completed the first full run-through. It’s quite a technical play with lots of stage directions and quite complicated BSL representing Ancient Greek (!) so we’re doing very well considering!

Interhouse cycling took place this week and it was great to see everyone supporting each other so well, and we even had a couple of people who took the opportunity to learn to ride for the first time – which was fantastic to see! Congratulations to Fountains, the overall winners.

On Wednesday, we had our Groovy Greek Pamper Parlour session, where we sampled some Ancient Greek beauty treatments, from avocado facemasks, to sea salt and olive oil rubs, not to mention the green tea foot soak station in the sunshine. It was a thoroughly pleasant afternoon and thoroughly deserved after all of our hard work recently.

Next week we will be learning about the Greek gods and their temples, as well as crafting some from clay. Year 6 will also have a special workshop on mental health and transition, to support them with their move to secondary school.

And, just a reminder that Year 6s going to Benton or Guiseley secondary schools have their transition day on Tuesday. They are not required to come to Littlemoor on this day, instead making their way directly to their secondary school for registration.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Jarvis

Kestrel News
7/06/2024 7:06 PM
Kestrel News

It’s been a short week for the children this week, but we’ve worked hard nonetheless. We have wrapped-up our work on Greek myths, ready to begin a new unit on persuasive writing next week. In maths, we have just been working on our mental maths and arithmetic skills, ready to begin a new unit on statistics and data handling on Monday.

In reading skills, we have been learning how to develop our skills of justifying our opinions about a text, writing some recommendations and book reviews. While in PSHE, we have been looking at different influences in our lives that may lead us to use alcohol and nicotine, and the risks involved. The children have engaged very well discussed these issues respectfully and maturely- well done Kestrels!

Next week, we will be getting to grips with our end of year show – and remember, Year 6, if you would like one of the meatier roles, auditions will be held on Monday lunchtime at 12:30pm. Information about tickets and costumes will follow in the next couple of weeks!

Interhouse cycling will be held on Thursday next week. Children can bring their bike OR scooter – both require a helmet though. Kestrel and Puffin children should leave their bike/ scooter on the MUGA (blue playground) before school please, and in case of bad weather, bring their helmets into the classrooms. If your child does not have a bike/ scooter please don’t worry, we’ll have some alternative activities on a cycling theme planned!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Jarvis

Kestrel News
24/05/2024 6:22 PM
Kestrel News

What a full-on last week we have had in Kestrel class! On Monday some of our Year 5s went to take part in the Brownlee Triathlon. They all seemed to have a great time at this non-competitive event – and we now have some budding triathletes – which is brilliant! As always, they supported each other really well and cheered on their less-confident friends. Well done Year 5!

Tuesday saw us having the first run-through of our concert songs with Mrs Thomas. The first bash is always a bit challenging, but there’s a lot of enthusiasm for this performance, so I’m sure we’ll get there with lots of practice!

Secondary school transition for some of our Year 6 children began this week, and I am pleased to say those who attended on these days came back beaming and full of enthusiasm for the big move.

In maths we have now wrapped-up our algebra work for this year (they have done fantastically well with it) and are now ready to start data handling after the holidays.

In Science we also began our new unit on properties of materials, and enjoyed bobbing around the classroom like water molecules!

Today we have received in some fantastic Greek Mask projects. We have started to interview the children in character, and will continue after the holidays. Thank you for all of your support with these at home – the children are really enjoying performing in role and interviewing one another!

A couple of reminders:

Our PE days after the holidays will remain the same: Monday and Wednesday.

Please check the news letter from the office (emailed out each Friday) for the most up-to-date information regarding the dates for Interhouse activities (the next one is cycling) and other whole school events such as Sports Days and concerts. While we try not to move these around too much, sometimes small adjustments are necessary as we move through the calendar.

 Have a lovely half-term,

Mrs Jarvis