Welcome to the Dove Class page

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The Doves team consists of:

Mr Jones – Class Teacher

Mrs Thomson – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tattersdale– Teaching Assistant (am)



Our topics this year are:

Autumn Term - Space

Spring Term - Castles + Spring and Growth

Summer Term - Oceans and Seas

Please download the relevant 'Home School Links' document at the bottom of this page in order to find out more information about this term's topic and any related visits or visitors.


Each week, children will be given two new reading books to share with you at home and a set of spellings (these will be put on to Seesaw on a Wednesday). Please support your child to learn their spellings prior to the spelling quiz which will take place on the following Wednesday.

We will be sending home Year 2 revision guides for reading and mathematics at the start of January. We have found that these books really help to prepare children well for the range of questions they might come across in their KS1 assessments later in the year. Please read the letter at the front of each book as it explains which activities are to be completed each week.

In the classroom, we have exciting cross curricular areas of provision to support learning. This term this includes a camp site.

The children will be doing PE on a Monday (Outdoors) and a Friday (indoors).These P.E. days may change during the year and you will be informed via the school newsletter, School Jotter app and the class notice board.  We will also have outdoor learning throughout the year so please ensure your child has a coat and other appropriate clothing for the colder weather.

If you have any further questions or any concerns at all throughout the year, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me after school. 


Thank you for your continued support


Mr Jones and the Doves team



Phonics video

Doves News

Dove Weekly Update 27/10/23
27/10/2023 2:37 PM

We have had another busy week in Doves. 

In English we wrote and edited our Dinosaur that came to Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner.

In Maths we have been working on doubling numbers and also adding near doubles e.g. 8 + 7. We did this by doubling the smaller number and adding 1 or by doubling the larger number and subtracting 1. 

One highlight of the week was the DT work for our topic. The children all designed, made and ate their very own Herbivore pittas. They were quite adventurous and many of them added something that they hadn't tried before. 

The main highlight of the week was out Harvest Festival celebration. All the children sang, signed and behaved wonderfully. We were also lucky enough to have some Y6 recorder players; Y5 drummers and Y6 presenters to enhance our event. 

There are no new spellings for the half term break but you might want to look back over some from this half term that your child found tricky. 

Information about our Half Term Dinosaur Project is on Seesaw.


Have a great Half-Term break and we will see you all back in school on the 6th of November. 

Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23
6/10/2023 2:40 PM
Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23

The highlight of this week was our fantastic 'herbs and spices' themed Curriculum day. 

We enjoyed making apple and cinnamon crumble, herb flavoured drinks, herb inspired art and played herb inspired rhythms and melodies on the glockenspiels.

We completed our History work about Mary Anning this week and will be moving on to a Science focus in Topic next week. In English the class wrote some wonderful information texts about carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs.

Parent's evening is Wednesday next week and Thursday the week after. Please do sign up online for a time slot if you can make it.

The spellings this week all end with the pattern 'al' and are on Seesaw. Our spelling quiz will be next Wednesday. 

Have a great weekend.

KS1 Interhouse Football
28/09/2023 12:55 PM

Tomorrow (Friday 29th September) is our school Interhouse Football Event.

All children need to come to school in PE Kit and trainers. Please do not send in any studded boots.

As the field might be muddy could you also send in a spare pair of shoes, in a separate bag, to change into afterwards. 

The KS1 Team

Dove Weekly Update 27/10/23
27/10/2023 2:37 PM

We have had another busy week in Doves. 

In English we wrote and edited our Dinosaur that came to Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner.

In Maths we have been working on doubling numbers and also adding near doubles e.g. 8 + 7. We did this by doubling the smaller number and adding 1 or by doubling the larger number and subtracting 1. 

One highlight of the week was the DT work for our topic. The children all designed, made and ate their very own Herbivore pittas. They were quite adventurous and many of them added something that they hadn't tried before. 

The main highlight of the week was out Harvest Festival celebration. All the children sang, signed and behaved wonderfully. We were also lucky enough to have some Y6 recorder players; Y5 drummers and Y6 presenters to enhance our event. 

There are no new spellings for the half term break but you might want to look back over some from this half term that your child found tricky. 

Information about our Half Term Dinosaur Project is on Seesaw.


Have a great Half-Term break and we will see you all back in school on the 6th of November. 

Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23
6/10/2023 2:40 PM
Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23

The highlight of this week was our fantastic 'herbs and spices' themed Curriculum day. 

We enjoyed making apple and cinnamon crumble, herb flavoured drinks, herb inspired art and played herb inspired rhythms and melodies on the glockenspiels.

We completed our History work about Mary Anning this week and will be moving on to a Science focus in Topic next week. In English the class wrote some wonderful information texts about carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs.

Parent's evening is Wednesday next week and Thursday the week after. Please do sign up online for a time slot if you can make it.

The spellings this week all end with the pattern 'al' and are on Seesaw. Our spelling quiz will be next Wednesday. 

Have a great weekend.

KS1 Interhouse Football
28/09/2023 12:55 PM

Tomorrow (Friday 29th September) is our school Interhouse Football Event.

All children need to come to school in PE Kit and trainers. Please do not send in any studded boots.

As the field might be muddy could you also send in a spare pair of shoes, in a separate bag, to change into afterwards. 

The KS1 Team

Dove Weekly Update 27/10/23
27/10/2023 2:37 PM

We have had another busy week in Doves. 

In English we wrote and edited our Dinosaur that came to Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner.

In Maths we have been working on doubling numbers and also adding near doubles e.g. 8 + 7. We did this by doubling the smaller number and adding 1 or by doubling the larger number and subtracting 1. 

One highlight of the week was the DT work for our topic. The children all designed, made and ate their very own Herbivore pittas. They were quite adventurous and many of them added something that they hadn't tried before. 

The main highlight of the week was out Harvest Festival celebration. All the children sang, signed and behaved wonderfully. We were also lucky enough to have some Y6 recorder players; Y5 drummers and Y6 presenters to enhance our event. 

There are no new spellings for the half term break but you might want to look back over some from this half term that your child found tricky. 

Information about our Half Term Dinosaur Project is on Seesaw.


Have a great Half-Term break and we will see you all back in school on the 6th of November. 

Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23
6/10/2023 2:40 PM
Dove Weekly Update 6/10/23

The highlight of this week was our fantastic 'herbs and spices' themed Curriculum day. 

We enjoyed making apple and cinnamon crumble, herb flavoured drinks, herb inspired art and played herb inspired rhythms and melodies on the glockenspiels.

We completed our History work about Mary Anning this week and will be moving on to a Science focus in Topic next week. In English the class wrote some wonderful information texts about carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs.

Parent's evening is Wednesday next week and Thursday the week after. Please do sign up online for a time slot if you can make it.

The spellings this week all end with the pattern 'al' and are on Seesaw. Our spelling quiz will be next Wednesday. 

Have a great weekend.

KS1 Interhouse Football
28/09/2023 12:55 PM

Tomorrow (Friday 29th September) is our school Interhouse Football Event.

All children need to come to school in PE Kit and trainers. Please do not send in any studded boots.

As the field might be muddy could you also send in a spare pair of shoes, in a separate bag, to change into afterwards. 

The KS1 Team

Autumn 2024 - Home School Link Letter

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