School Dinners

There are three alternatives for the lunch time meal:

  • A cooked meal prepared on the premises
  • A packed lunch brought from home  Click here for leaflet
  • Return home for lunch

Current menu

We believe we have a very special lunchtime. After consulting with children we now provide Family Service for all children.

For cooked lunches we have tables of 8 where two servers have responsibility of serving out the meal to children.

We operate two sittings; one for the odd year groups (1,3,5) from 12.00 – 12.30 and one for the evens ( 2,4,6) from 12:30 – 1:00. This changes over every half term.

Foundation eat at the quiet end of the hall and have their lunch from 12.00 – 1.00pm.

We believe that lunchtimes should be a pleasurable experience and have invested time and resources in making it a good experience.




Foundation children come into the dinner hall at 12.00pm. They are sat as a year group on smaller tables appropriate for their age and size. They are served and assisted by the lunchtime staff, who ensure that each child gets a good portion of food.



The children will have a half term on one sitting before they swap to the other to allow them variety and so the servers do both setting up tables and assisting with the final clearing of the hall at the end of lunchtime.

Currently we have years 2, 4 and 6 on first sitting and years 1, 3 and 5 on second sitting and this will swap after half term.
